Yes...that is Yosh wavings at me from the window. He is a wild man this Yosh is.
And yes to all the questions we are getings from our many fans from around the
Yes...we are back in the Sahara !!! We, Yosh and Stan ( that is me) decided we
needed to once again, find our roots and this time I thinks we really did. I did not know we
lost our roots till we find them.
Thanks to you, our many loyal PBG fans and remember to listen
to that Polka beets in your hearts.
I love your polka music almost as much as I love my Cuban music.
I danced to the polka/Cuban beat in my heart in the Saharas under the
stars of the Milky Way and this made me thinks of the many greatest
The aboves is a word for words quotes from Ernie...or pretty close to what
he said and I am sure he meant what I wrote. Mr Ernie at one time was a very
cook kat who played drums with us. We called him Mr Drummer Man.
I don't know where he is now...maybe trekking in the Saharas??
I am not many peoples have said I am Yosh...I am Kumar and I posts this message from
Mr Ernie
I had to fix my Lederhosen and could nots finish what he said to me so now I will finish what he says to me..Kumar! Mr Ernie said we are the greatest polka band evers and he was thinkings of the many greatest polka moments from out tours.
Last I heard from Yosh what Yosh told to me is that Mr Ernie is trekking in the Sahara, looking for Sahara waters to bottle
Kumar...not Yosh
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