Saturday, April 20, 2024
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Friday, August 25, 2023
This is Bozena or Chuck for short
Charlie sent me a photo today of Bozena ( or Chuck for short). As many of our fans from Cheektowaga and Tonawanda ( nears Buffalo) knows, Chuck was with us when we play and wowed the crowds back in our days back then .. Charlie drives the tours buses that take the peoples to the tours of where we started before our worlds tour. We could not take Chuck with us but Chuck or better know as Bozena is well cared for with Charlie.
That is one cutesy smile from Chuck. He or she always gave us a nice smile when he or she heard us play the polka .
Littles known fact...this fine friend was the inspiration for our big hits..KEEP ON ROCKING IN THEFREE POLKA WORLD
but so many peoples that sing along with us when we plays this song , they sing the lyrics...KEEP ON POLKAING IN THE FREE WORLD. Yosh and I think this is pretty good toos.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
I is hots in the desert...the Sahara place..a desert
Of course you all wonderings where PBG has been and whats Stan and Yosh have been up toose. Well lets me tell you ...hint is hots in the Sahara desert. Touring the worlds has been hard on us and we needs some time to get away from life on the roads . Our tour bus (VW) also needs some times to relax ( joke). We even have some of our fans come to see us here and some nights we will pull out the accordions and do some of that Flyod music and some DC/AC to a polka beets. We look at the stars in the sky and then we (Stan and me) talk about life on the roads. So stay tuned in..we may be in your necks of the woods.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Casablanca which was not that long agos We played the song .".learning to Polka.".and some peoples in the row were singing learning to fly as they say that it sounds like the same tune to the Floyd brothers. I don't know about this. Hey fans...hows about that speaker thing I am looking at...with this we will rocks the kashbah...hey...that is a good title for a polka song....
Yosh and Stan ...
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
incognito...Stan's idea
Gobi could play here at this place. Stan sent them in undercover so that no persons would know that they were checking out this place for the Polka Band Gobi. Stan has some good ideas at some times and places. These peoples are our vice president and president. they love the Polka and have the polka beatings in their hearts. They told me they love it when we, that is Stan and Yosh plays the song...Shines on your crazy diamonds. News that is very hots...we the band , Polka Band Gobi are getting readys for out next worlds tour. Yes..this is a true thing.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
With their new tshirts of our WORLDS TOUR!!. They requested their favorite polka song, Born to be Wilds...and we played it till our fingers bled. And then these two fans took us to a restaurant for
perogies and we felt we had gone to Polka heaven. True polka fans are special as you can see...they are a special kind of peoples . We are now back in Morocco.
Yosh and Stan ( the man)

Saturday, March 10, 2018
Hots off the t-shirt maker man

I don't have all the words to say how excited and how happiness we are with our new Worlds Tour T Shirt. So you say the words on how happiness you are with this new Worlds Tour T Shirt...You wills be seeing this around all over the place as our fans are buying these so fast...faster than Yosh plays his fingers on the accordion!!! true
Monday, February 19, 2018
Imagine playings to your worldwide fans. Going into the nights and have them going very wilds with the polka music and watching Yosh play the accordion and the whole time the polka music is beatings in your heart and their heat beats . And then imagine walking the streets to feed your polka heart with some good Moroccan food And imagine you finds the perfect place to do this feeding We fed our polka hearts beats in this place...
the McTurco!! Not as good as perogies...but close.
Yosh and Stan

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Our gig in Meknes Morocco
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Wave to Yosh
Friday, April 17, 2015
Our photographer
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Yosh says to me ( Stan)... I reads that some bands go back to their roots and we needs to go
back to our roots. Yosh, what do you means by roots, I ask him ( Yosh) and he ( Yosh) says to me
...Stan...don't be a stupid man. Our roots...our polka roots...Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Iggy and all the bands that love us... and follow us...we need to get to our roots.
I say okay, lets get to our roots. I know our roots are near and we will find these things of this I am a sure thing.
So here we are, practicing to all the crowds . We are insides this place . We are the house band
This is where we will find our roots. We play . We sing. We plays the polka..we are Polka Band Gobi and no other polka band and can say that!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
You must have seen us in the audience with our accordions. ? Yes?
And we come back to our home to where the polka beat is strong.
Marrakech and the Sahara...oh how we missed the Sahara...the sand,
the water...
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Yosh and Stan, that is who has thoughts of this and this says a lots about us two ( or three if you count another person or two and don't forget our new drummer who sure knows how to add that Cuban drum beat to our Polkas.)
We records this album to our almost sold out crowds while we were in the Sahara. We thinks this is the first time the Polka was played in the Sahara... yes we do think this thought. And we do think of other thoughts from time to time too.
Can you imagines playing Back in the USSR with our accordions and our new drummer in the desert. I bet you can.
Yosh and Stan
Keep on Polkaing in the free world
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
We found us in the Atlas Mountain Place
We did that in Morocco, yes we did this. This is me ( Yosh) and Stan and our numbero uno polka fan in the Atlas mountains looking for ourselves. We saw ourselves in the distance far away and I want you to see us looking for us.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wow! how many ways can you spell WOW, and did you know that WOW spelled backwards is still
"WOW." Amazing fact for you Polka fans . Anyways I had to pass on to your this article from the news.
Stan and me had to keep this secret as many international attorney and legal peoples were working out
the contracts and other things legal on this
So get ready to join us on our World Wide Polka Tour
Listen to the Polka in your heart or as Stan says; listen to the Polka in your heart beats."
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
On the Atlas Roads Again
Our manager Mr Vindallo set up a world tour stop in the Sahara. This is a hots place. We brought the polka to the Sahara there are not many others of the polka bands who can say this. That is the fact Mr Jacks.!
So we have been thinking of adding a new member. We haves a new drummer man. We need to thinks of adding a guitar man to the accordion section. Mr Vindallo says a guitar man wants to join us . We are thinking if we should. Mr Vindalloo says Ritchie will be the hots thing since sliced cabbage...we are not so sure. So we think and we think and and then we listen to the polka music in our head.
Yosh and Stan
oh...the phooto is a roadie taking a break for a Coca Cola
Monday, December 24, 2012
More news that is hots.
Stan and Yosh we are happy men. We play the Sahara and we meets so many polka fans out here, this is a fact and not surprising at all . As you know the Polka has influenced all the musics of the world .
Now listen to this , of all the tents in all the world who do we meets here....a true polka fan man who does tv shows and who comes to the Sahara just to meet us and who wants to come aboard our
Polka Train to places somewhere near to you. He sings, he dances and he has the polka in his heart . Mr Irnee is his name and he now is parts of the PBG World Tour Band. He does interviews.
Yosh / Stan
Polka Band Gobi
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Help Yosh and Stan find this Groupie Person
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Do you know who this is, anyones? yes |
tell Stan and Yosh who this fan is. She sometimes shows up in the audience at some of our POLKA BAND GOBI World Tour Polka gigs. Sometimes she dances by herself wearing Polka Band Gobi Lederhosen and rocks to the Polka and sometmes she stands in the front row and then after the show she is not theres to see . . We saw her in Timor last month at our Friday show where we rocked the house to our polka versions of Pink Floyd and we think we spots her in Suva Fiji . We thinks we did and also perhaps in some other country somewheres. We are bringing the Polka to a town nears to you so we wander all over to many places and she shows up at most of them. Kumar says she is a polka groupie and to tells the truth, Stan and I see how this could be so. Yes we do.
Oh, we have this phooto as she sent it to us and she signed it
as "biggerst PBG Fan." Help us find out who she is.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Roadies for Polka Band Gobi
Have you evers seen such smiling mens??of course not you haven't. Rather than talk about us we want to shows you the men behind the famous Gobi Polka Band. The road men or roadies that make it all happen, who work from mid day sun to later mid day sun, flat out to put the shows on the road that make us so famous as we are today. I show you the Roadies for Polka Band Gobi. I show them to you at play and getting ready to play.
Yosh and Stan
Sunday, November 6, 2011
And believe this or believe it, but after our concert many fine peoples said they were going to start a Pago Pago Polka Band.
Friday, July 22, 2011
When you tour the World with your Polka Band and when you travel to all the hots spots you have tastes for the good lives. We do have this tastes and we taste the good life , yes we do and we highly recommend this tasting. This is our hotel in Suva Fiji and you can see we do know the high life. Yes. We sold out the hotel and now the Polka lives on in Fiji.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
World Tour Will Start Here
World Tour. We are thinking of starting our World Tour here in this country at this location. It is Peru and that is in South America. Notice his Polka Band Gobi t shirt.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Polka Band Gobi Tour Manager...a Wild Child
Here is our new Tour Manager we call him "The Tour Man." You see him here practicing his polka at the Taj. He is dancing to that famous polka song by Iggy, called The Wild Child. We are getting ready for the Polka Band Gobi World Polka Tour, and we will be travelling all around the world to bring the polka to the many millions of peoples here. . (We had a world tour at one time but we only played in Western NY State in places like Tonawanda and Lackwona but this World Tour is the Real Deal. For Real!.)
We will be coming to a country near to you in the futures and all because of our new Tour Man. He is a Polka fanatic ! He wil be travelling all around the world , our Tour Manager will be setting up our tour dates in every country there is and soon Mr Tour Man will be in Fiji and Bali as these will be the starting dates for our Polka World Tour. I will keep you up to date on our tour with the Tour Man. We may even play in New Jersey which as you all know is a very famous polka place. This is so exciting...can you imagine playing on the beaches of Suva Fiji at sundown with the tide rolling in and the crowds going wild for the polka. Easy to imagine yes! Mr Sting did a song about the beaches of Bali and you have not heard nothing yes until you hear this song to a polka beat. Get ready...we are coming to a country near to you soon
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Meet the Senior vice President

The senior vice president of the Eastern Section
of the New Delhi chapter of the Polka Band Gobi fan club.
Not to be confused with the Western section of the old city of
Delhi fan club chapter.
I will lets you in on a secret, yes I will, this is Mr Vindaloo's
sister and she is the one who did the special design for our
shirts and I just had to let you know.
Her name is Lydia.
Her name means happiness.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Our nephew sent us this news clippings

Friday, December 18, 2009
Agnes Birthday Polka Song
( sing lively and to the polka beats)
Roll out the perioges, and we’ll have
perioges of fun.
Dance to the Agnes polka and you’ll have
the glooms on the run
With the Agnes birthday polka
you’ll always be standing in the sun
So dance to this polka and your joys
will never be underdone!!! rah rah
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Very Famous Actress is Gobi is true!

I think most of you know the area of Greater Noida, just south of Noida which is just south of New Delhi. I mention this as this is this is a photo of a very very famous actress who if you saw her face you would recognize her immediate. We had just finished our gig outside of Noida and this actress came up and had us (all of us in the band) sign her t shirt for her. That is right, it is the Gobi Band t shirt. ! We had to take her photo. And she said her favorite polka song was that Iggy Pop Wild Child song that we are so famous we played it special for her and we polka'd the house downtown. And as a favour for her, we did Dark Side of the Moon....she was in raptures.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Gobi shoulder bag is HOT new fashions

My cousins Bohunk and Hunkie ( real names Yashi and Frankie) sent me this photo taken at a Polka festival in Lakawanah New Jersey ( or someplace close to that) and could not believe that Polka Band Gobi's fame has passed far and wider than ever I wanted to pass this on to all our polka fans all over the world. The last time I saw shoulder bags for sale of Gobi was at Kumar's place in New Delhi...he must be sending them far and wide due to the high demand.
Get yours now
For Hips Peoples..Get yours now .. Gobi shirts

Get yours now or get them tomorrow,( tomorrow would be okay to get them too.)
Yosh and Stan
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Polka Band Gobi Tuk tuk

I think we found ourselves
There is so much new news...a planned World Tour in the Delhi area...and so much stay tuned for the latest
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mr Vindaloo's Mother...Kala Vindaloo!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Kumar, an oscar in his future?

Lets celebrate with some Diet Fanta Orange as Kumar has hit the time big and if things go right could go up for an oscar I bet...sometime..maybe. Kumar along with being our manager is now very famous for being in a scene of a movie that is now a big big hit. If you look closer in a scene of a big big movie you may see Kumar. Our manager, Kumar was doing some peeka boo scouting at the Taj for our upcomming Taj polka festival ( in the plan stages) and some movie was doing the film and he may be in one of the scenes at the Taj. This is a big movie about millionaires and if you look closer in one scene you probably saw someone with a diet orange fanta...that was Kumar! the Taj!. Now this photo(on this page) Kumar took and he was in Agra going about his peek a boo business and he took this so I will pass it onto you. These children had heard about Polka Band Gobi so Kumar told them it won't be too long till they see this band at the Taj. As a note added, I don't think Kumar will go to Hollywood for the oscar party as he has some shows to manage here for Polka Band Gobi, but due to all the requests of the many fans on where Kumar is/was...this is the latest on Kumar. Yes, he is getting famous, just like Yosh and Stan.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Nagla of the press

दौरे तिथियाँ ( Tour Dates)

1 पोल्का बैंड gobi घर शहर पोल्का जाएगा
2 Malthan सोमवार Nagla Dhimar
3 बुधवार दयाल बाग शुक्रवार
Looks forward to seeing you.
Mr Vindaloo
Friday, January 23, 2009
Call me "Mister Vindaloo"
This fine man ( really true and for really) loves the Polka and when he heard us play at the
Baldi festival he came aboard the Polka Train and is now our "roadie manager" . I can see that with Mr Vindaloo we are going to Polkatown!!
So one and all, meet Mister Vindaloo one of our biggest fans ( and we do have so many fans it is true),
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Newspaper story from Gungsuh Times! on PBG
There was a newspaper an article about our playing the polka festival at Baldi . Many fine things were said about PBG ( Polka Band Gobi) . I will get copy of newspaper article for you. It was a raving article and I think many people will read this.
Grand Trunk Road ...To Baldi

Wow, such good news Polka fans of Polka Band Gobi. We just wrapped up our first ever polka festival in Baldi India. You just take the Grand Trunk Road somewhere to the north of Delhi and put your tuk tuk on the Grand Trunk and peddle away. As they say here, all roads on the Grand Trunk lead to Baldi. We were the headliners for the festival and this is going to be a yearly tradition I am sure. The food was great ( take a look at the delights
brewing). Next year we plan to have more polka acts than us. We realized that we need to have a polka club to teach people to do the polka as not too many in the audience knew how to polka, so that is our next plan.
from Yashi
Friday, September 19, 2008
Club Timings
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
New Poster for Polka Band Gobi
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
One of biggest fans of Polka Band Gobi
Monday, September 15, 2008
Update from Yashi
We are so so lucky, as the phrase goes, for when we settled into India this very famous chef asked us to play in her restaurant and we bring the house down with our polka music and we get to live here too! The weather was oh so hot so our lederhosen went away and we now have full cotton lederhosen and this is so much better. And no more with the cabbage rolls! We now only eat vegetarian cabbage rolls and the chef lady makes them special for us and I think it is a hit with the crowd that follows us too. I will have to tell to you how you do vegetarian cabbage rolls. You get this bread stuff and roll cabbage in it, add some curry and there you go. It has some secret herbs and spices, I think so. Next letter I will let you know how our fan club is building up and the music we are playing. I have heard from a Khuresh Kyryl of Tuva ( a country close to India somewhere, north I think) and he is a throat singer. I have heard him throat sing on the internet and I think, yes I do, that this man will play a key part with Polka Band Gobi and our search for the perfect polka. Maybe he will join us when we play the Taj . That would be very nice, we just need to work out the timings for this.
Yashi , over and out
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Kumar interested in being manager

Kumar, I gave the cook your message
Dear Mr. Yoshi and Mr. Santooh,
You hire and pay me? I make fine manager of thik polka. I work for you only fair salary. Kindly clear me of my doubt. We can conduct meeting soonest convinence and work on details. Convey my greetings to vaitress at restraunt. Ok? Ok? Best,Kumar
She wanted me to personally thank you for the greetings Kumar and wanted me to send to you her photograph.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I heard from Kumar
so it will not be a problem to work out arrangement with Kumar. We need to still need to meet with Kumar in Mysore. Wanted to update the fans
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Playing the Polka in Delhi

It is going so well today. We have a place to stay and play. You know that place where we first played the polka and had our first meal when we arrived in Delhi...well we live here. This is where the band plays and where we stay and where our poster is shown. And this fine man says he wants to be our manager. This is good
Friday, September 5, 2008
Most newest member of Polka Band Gobi